PRs, season bests highlight Osage home meet
By Kristi Nixon
OSAGE — Darren Adams wanted to run well for the home crowd.
He covered the Mitchell County Nature Center course in a season best to become the only area boys’ runner to earn a medal on Tuesday, Sept. 12.
“It’s fun to have all of our fans out here, supporting,” Adams said.
Although he said it isn’t the most difficult course he runs throughout the season, he’s not the biggest fan of his home course.
“It’s not a very difficult course; I just don’t like doing two laps – it’s repetitive,” he said. “It’s not bad (hills). It has some gradual, but not many hills, kind of flat. (The last hill) it’s kind of steep, but not very long. So, power up and then go hard to the finish line.”
He ran to a time of 18 minutes, 29.3 seconds for 14th overall. The top-15 runners in each race earned medals.
The full story and more photos will be found in the print and e-editions of the Enterprise Journal.