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Carpenter to celebrate 150 years

By Kara Trettin
Carpenter – The city of Carpenter is celebrating its sesquicentennial milestone on August 20-22, ironically these were the same dates as the town’s centennial celebration in 1971.
Carpenter was platted in 1871 and incorporated in 1879
According to Barry Schrag, Carpenter Community Club President, this is not the only similarity between the two milestone events.
From beard contests, children’s activities, a rodeo and live music, the Carpenter Community Club, formerly known as the Commercial Club, has planned a weekend featuring these traditional activities, and much more for the entire family.
Friday evening launches the weekend festivities with an opening ceremony at 7:00 p.m. with the little Mr. and Miss and a beard contest, followed by the live band, Bad Habits, performing at 8:00 p.m. Food and beverages will be available in the Community Center.
Saturday is chock-full of events; a tractor pull, rodeo and fireworks, followed by live band, Half Shebang, at the West End, and a volleyball tournament, car show, children’s games including pony rides at eh Community Center.
According to Schrag, attendees can purchase a $10 button for entrance into all Saturday events. He said children under the age of six do not require a button.
Sunday will wrap up the celebration with a church service, a pork loin dinner, and an all-school reunion.
Schrag’s passion for the milestone event is clearly a family tradition.
“I grew up in Carpenter and my parents were a part of the Commercial Club because my dad and Mom had the grocery store there,” Schrag said, adding, “and it was about three years ago I brought up that our 150th is coming, we have to start thinking about that.”
With a chuckle Schrag said he was told ‘Okay, then you’re in charge.’
According to Schrag there are approximately 12 people on the committee; however, there are a lot of community members involved in the weekend events.
“It’s really a once in a lifetime thing. I was there and part of the 100th celebration, I was 22 years old or something. It was a real community thing,” Schrag said.
Schrag reminisced about the Shaving Permit or Brother of the Brush buttons the men had to purchase in 1971. He said the Shaving Permit button was $5 and the Brother of the Brush button was $1.
“They had a jail on a flatbed, an old jail that had been part of Carpenter 100 years ago,” Schrag said, “If you didn’t have your button on, you’d get arrested and you’d have to pay a fine to get out of jail—it was just fun stuff. Everybody was growing beards, and the women were supposed to wear long dresses like they did 100 years ago.”
According to a St. Ansgar Enterprise Journal newspaper article from the 1971 celebration, a crowd of 20,000 to 30,000 people were estimated to have attended the gathering.
Schrag said, “They estimated the 100th anniversary rodeo crowd to be about 5,000 – it was tremendous!”
According to Schrage, everyone involved in the 1971 parade is still around, with the exception of the Grand Marshalls. He is hopeful that the 1971 Little Mister and Miss, along with many others will participate in the 150th parade.
The 2021 Grand Marshalls are Dennis (Tiny) Johnson and Lola Knutson.
Schrag said he hopes the celebration committee will continue a town celebration in the coming years.
“Well, its history,” Schrag said, “it’s time for the community to get together and just have a good time—reminisce.”

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