Last week Limestone Brewers hosted a comedy show featuring Dan Bublitz Jr. and Tom Chillstrom in support of the planned splash pad and inclusive playground project in the Osage City Park.
Limestone Brewers representatives donated $739, which was presented to Michele Johnson, one of the inclusive playground committee members.
According to Kathie Blake, Assistant City Clerk for the City of Osage, to date the city has received donation commitments and cash donations. Additionally, patrons of Randy’s Neighborhood Market in Osage have the option to round-up their purchases with the additional money earmarked for the splash pad and playground project.
According to Blake, Home Trust Bank and Osage City Hall are accepting donations. Donors can choose to support either the entire project or one of the two focus areas: the splash pad, or the inclusive playground. She said checks can be written to the ‘city park improvement.’
Additional project details can be found on the Osage, Iowa Facebook page.
Limestone Brewers representatives Tony Wynohrad, Lisamarie Odeen and Josh Olson present Michele Johnson a $739 donation for the splash pad and inclusive playground project. Johnson is accompanied by her husband, Jeremiah, and children, Kylie, Jenna and Blake. EJ PHOTO/KARA TRETTIN