Obituary: John E Whitaker

Gravesidebrinurnment with Osage American Legion Honor Guard for John E Whitaker will bebrheld Friday, February 26th, 2021, 11 am at Osage Cemetery. John diedbrTuesday, February 22, 2021 at his home in Osage.


Johnbrwas born April 18, 1921 in Osage, the son of Jay and Helen Whitaker. John was abrlifelong resident of Osage, graduating from Osage High School in 1938. He wasbrunited in marriage to Eileen K. Krogstad on May 26, 1943. In 1939, John went tobrwork for Davidson Gas and Electric. John entered the service in 1943. John wasbrassigned to the Army Air Force First Air Commando Group in Asansol, India. Johnbrflew a Stinson LD, a light, unarmed aircraft which he named for his wife Eileenbrcalling it Mrs. Whit. John flew missions into Burma where he flew supplies inbrand flew casualties out. John remarked in an article for the Waterloo Courier,br“We were probably the only ones to fly an unarmed plane. We got shot at, but webrcouldn’t shoot back. My plane was full of bullet holes, so I put some glue inbrthe holes and covered them with pink tape.” John was a terrific writer, puttingbrwords to his experiences and sharing those of others who served with him inbrWWII. Of his service, John said, “It was something we had to do, so we did it.brA lot of good people lost their lives in that war.” After the service, Johnbrreturned home and resumed work with Davidson, retiring from Standard Oil Co. inbr1978.


Ourbrfamily and anyone who knew John was lucky to listen to stories of his life. Hebrtold a great story and had a great sense of humor. Although John and Eileenbrdidn’t have any children of their own, they had 3 California nieces and 3 Iowabrnieces. We cherish the memories of time spent with John and Eileen, thebrexperiences they gave us riding his horse, flying in his plane and letting onebrniece drive the riding lawn mower just missing a tree. We loved him so much andbrwill miss him dearly.


Johnbrwas preceded in death by his wife, Eileen; his parents Jay and Helen; and hisbrniece Peggy Harris. John is survived by his nieces Dell Abben, Karen Moore,brJill Schaaban, Colette Harp and Randi Johnston.


ChampionbrFuneral Home, Osage, 641-732-3706,



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