Obituary: Melba Mayer-Leidall
Melba E. Mayer-Leidall, 97 ofbrOsage, IA, died Sunday, January 31, 2021 at the Faith Lutheran Home in Osagebrsurrounded by her family. Due to COVID restrictions, a private family servicebrwill be held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church and burial will be held at SacredbrHeart Cemetery. Melba was born February 6, 1923 in Lyle, MN to Harry and EmmabrJordan. She was baptized and confirmed at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Lyle.brMelba attended schools in Lyle and graduated in 1940. She married her husbandbrof 34 years, Francis Mayer, on November 14, 1945. Melba and Francis werebrblessed with two children, Marilyn (David) Spitz and Keith (Denise) Mayer. Shebrworked as a cook at Osage Schools followed by a 23-year career at Home Trustbr& Savings Bank, retiring on June 1, 1989. Melba’s first priority was alwaysbrher family. She enjoyed traveling, bridge, cribbage, 500, golf, bowling,brhandwork, dancing, and volunteer work. She also enjoyed watching her favoritebrsports teams, the Iowa Hawkeyes, Minnesota Twins, and Minnesota Vikings. Melbabrwed Paul Leidall of Saint Ansgar, IA on June 19, 1993 and they were married forbr18 years. Melba is survived by her daughter Marilyn Spitz of Osage, son Keithbr(Denise) Mayer of Osage; five grandchildren, Brad “BJ” (Laura) Mayer, Mareabr(Steve) Tribble, Darin (Anna) Spitz, Jennifer (Steve) Little, and Staci (Tim)brLong; 14 great grand children, 4 great great grandchildren; her sister DarlenebrMayer; and sister-in-laws Marge Weis and Yvonne (Bill) Yezek. She was proceededbrin death by her mother and father, husband Francis (1979), infant daughterbrDebra, husband Paul (2011), son-in-law David Spitz (2006), and two greatbrgrandchildren. She loved and was loved by many and she will be missed. She isbrnow at peace at the side of the Lord.