Obituary: William (Bill) P Shaffer

William (Bill) P Shaffer, 81, of St Ansgar, Iowa passed away Decemberbr30, 2020 at MercyOne in Waterloo. Visitation will be Friday, January 8, 2021brfrom 5-7pm at Schroeder & Sites Funeral Home in St Ansgar, Iowa. A memorialbrservice is planned for a later date this spring at Behr Funeral Home inbrDubuque, Iowa.


Bill was born June 9, 1939 in Dubuque,  the son of Williambrand Edna (Maas) Shaffer. He was one of 14 children. Bill worked several placesbrbut always shared his memories of Painting Water Towers and working on thebrEagle Point Toll Bridge. He retired from Mt St Francis in Dubuque after 25bryears in Maintenance. Bill loved the land and the river. He lived in his housebrboat and then in his cottage on the Mississippi River for over 30 years. Hebrstayed active outdoors cutting wood but his true passion was fishing. He carriedbrhis pole and tackle box in his car and would stop anywhere and throw out abrline. In 2010 his health slowed him down and he moved to Northwood, Iowa inbr2013 where he made new friends. In 2019 he moved into the Good Samaritan Centerbrin St Ansgar. Bill enjoyed living at Good Sam and made lots of friends. Hebrliked all of the Nurses and Staff there. Bill was quite the character and hisbrsense of humor, happy go lucky attitude and singing and dancing will be missedbrby everyone.


Those left behind to cherish his memories are his children,brBrenda, Sally (Zeke), Russ and Amy (Brian), 6 grandchildren and several greatbrgrandchildren; and his siblings Shirley, Clarence, Jimmy (Rose) and Haroldbr(Sue).


He was preceded in death by his son, Paul (2005), his son-in-lawbrRuss (1993) his parents, William and Edna, his siblings Alice, Irvin, Donald,brJohn “Jack”, Rita, Mary, Lorraine, Leonard, and Richard “Dick”.  



Schroeder Funeral  Home   641-713-4920

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