10th Annual Farm Boy BBQ Fundraiser


Joe Rosenberg had a busy Saturday during the 10th Annual Farm Boy BBQ Fundraiser at the Lyle American Legion. Rosenberg and his crew cooked around 170 racks of ribs, 300 chicken breasts and 50 chicken quarters during the day, starting at 8:30 am and finishing cooking at 8:00 pm. EJ Photo/ Colby Fossey



rOn Saturday, April 7 the 10th Annual Farm Boy BBQ Fundraiser was held at the Lyle American Legion in Lyle, Minnesota. People from all over came to eat some of Joe Rosenberg’s famous ribs and chicken and to help raise funds for the Lyle Area Cancer Telethon. 

Ten years ago, the first fundraiser was held in Lyle. Rosenberg wanted to cook some ribs for something and one of his friends brought out a piece of paper and said here’s what we can do. We can start a fundraiser for Sylan Faas and some of his friends, and the rest is history. Now, 10 years later, Joe has things all set. After the first few years, it was kind of a process of figuring everything out, but now, everybody know’s what their jobs are and everything runs smooth. 

Throughout the day on Saturday, Rosenberg with the help of Matt Varner, Gary Faas, and Joe Warrington cooked about 170 racks of ribs, 300 chicken breasts and 50 chicken quarters. They put the ribs on at 8:30 in the morning and finished their cooking around 8:00 at night.r


Joe Warrington puts on the Farm Boy BBQ Sauce on some chicken.EJ Photo/ Colby Fossey



r Doing this for 10 years now, Rosenberg has made some great memories and has done a great thing by putting on this event to raise money for the Lyle Area Cancer Telethon. So what is his favorite part of doing this? 

“When we get done cooking,” chuckled Rosenberg. “It just feels good to do something to help with the fight against cancer.” 

The Saturday of the fundraiser was a busy one around the area with multiple events going on throughout the day. But even with the busy schedule of events going on, Farm Boy still had a big crowd. 

“I think it went pretty good this year,” said Rosenberg.” For everything else that was going on that night, I thought we had a great turnout.” 

If you’ve never been to one of these fundraisers, you are missing out! The food prepared from Rosenberg and the whole crew that helps out is amazing and it couldn’t be a better group of people that do help out with the fundraiser. Be sure to go out and get yourself some ribs or chicken for next year’s fundraiser if you missed out on this one. You won’t regret it!

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